Promotion of traditional pencak silat with standardised and scientific methods of training towards excellence.
A responsible, discipline, healthy, peaceful generation through pencak silat education.
GRASIO is an abbreviation derived from "Gerak Silat Olahraga", which is in Indonesian language that means "movement in competition".
4 circles - Symbol of 4 Aspects & Founding Countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei)
Roman leaves - Unity & Solidarity
Inside design - Symbol of Power
Black - Power
Red - Bravery
Yellow - Loyalty
White - Pure & Chaste
Green - Peace & Calmness
GRASIO Sports Silat focuses on the art and skills of competition movements as well as self defence.
The foundation of GRASIO martial art suits the requirement of, and is in accordance with the competition rules developed for the world championship of silat. Therefore, the development of GRASIO in many countries nowadays has placed silat as one of the potentially appealing branch of sports.
With GRASIO's multi-dimensional nature, all programmes are laid out with a strong commitment to improving the quality and quantity of silat sporting opportunities at grass roots and development levels. The range of courses offered by GRASIO is based on the strategy for sport and leisure which prioritises specific sports activities and takes account of our local community and environment.
GRASIO Association (Singapore) is the brainchild of one passionate and dedicated individual who love the idea of beautiful world of endurance and high performance sports.
The founding individual, Grand Master Sheikh Alau'ddin Yacoob Marican PBM, deliberated and debated and eventually decided that something had to be done to share his passion and dedication with all in the community. And thus, the idea evolved and eventually materialised in the month of August 1997 - the birth of GRASIO Association (Singapore) and GRASIO Silat Club.
Although the idea behind this emergence was the burning desire of one man to contribute something to the sports that had given him a lot and help other like-minded individuals achieve their dream, GRASIO has grown from tremendously with the powerful combination of family ties. Students and parents alike form strong bonding and partnership throughout every involvement. GRASIO's branches grew fast and continue to grow, in its effort to outreach all part of community.
Silat has become one of the core sports in Singapore and opportunity is taken to introduce silat to the masses, regardless of age and race. Sports silat is promoted around the world beyond its common precincts through GRASIO. To name a few, GRASIO has its branches in Australia, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan, India, USA, Kuwait, New Zealand and Korea. The first affiliate, GRASIO Association Sydney-Australia was registered in 2004.
Ghazali Amin, one of the senior coaches formerly from Singapore has been actively involved in sports silat since 1985 and in the following roles; co-founded GRASIO in 1997 under Grand Master Sheikh Alau'ddin, founded GRASIO Australia in 2004, followed by the establishment of New South Wales Pencak Silat Association in 2007.
Ghazali was Australia national team pencak silat Head Coach at World Junior & Senior Pencak Silat Championship in 2007. He has formed strong relationships with affiliates of International Pencak Silat Federation (PERSILAT) from South East Asia, Central and East Asia, and Europe. Currently, an accredited Level 2 International Referee-Jury and has represented Australia in several World Championship as referee-jury.
Since then, Ghazali with the assistance of his son, Hazuan Ghazali, have been promoting GRASIO and silat to youngsters in and around Sydney. GRASIO Australia believes that sports silat has a lot of potential in encouraging them to live a healthy lifestyle and as an option or alternative to other existing mainstream sports. Hazuan has epitomised GRASIO Australia's progress with his many excellent achievements since its inception. He has been actively participating in Inter GRASIO Championship and awarded with the Baron Pierre de Coubertin Award in 2008 by Australian Olympic Committee, for his active involvement and excellent achievements in sports. Hazuan has represented Australia in OneSilat Championship, Junior and Senior World Pencak Silat Championship.